The Rise of Religious Intolerance in the United States

Two years ago I wrote that I feared the end of religious freedom in the United States. My fears remain unabated. I am growing increasingly concerned about religious intolerance in our nation. The Bill of Rights  guarantees citizens of the United States of America the right to freedoms of speech, assembly, and free exercise of religion. The free exercise of religion is inextricably bound to the freedoms of speech and assembly. Religious faith cannot be adequately expressed without the freedoms to assembly together and speak. The federal government is charged with protecting these basic and essential human rights. It is becoming apparent that there is a political movement afoot with the intent on limiting religious speech and expression to the domain of private devotion. Much of this is due to the religious community’s opposition to abortion and the homosexual agenda to redefine marriage. Opposition to abortion or homosexual marriage is being defined as hate speech. Religious speech or expression that challenges the agenda of the government is being suppressed.

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