Things I Hate & Love About Pentecostalism

Seven things I hate about Pentecostalism and seven things I love about Pentecostalism…

Seven things I hate about Pentecostalism
  1. Meaningless, enthusiastic sloganeering that masquerades as biblical preaching and the crowds that cheer it on.
  2. Chaotic, unruly, and disorderly worship services that are little more than formless and powerless religious revelry.
  3. The lack of proper discernment to distinguish between pathetic utterances and soul shaking prophetic words.
  4. Popular, charismatic, immoral, egotistical leaders that prostitute the authentic anointing of God.
  5. Lazy spiritual disciplines of study and prayer that betray a faux dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
  6. Over emphasis on dramatic manifestations of the spiritual gifts, with little to no emphasis on the fruit of the Spirit.
  7. Anti-intellectualism that encourages mediocrity and allows for the encroachment of heretical views.
Seven things I love about Pentecostalism
  1. Inspired and enthusiastic biblical preaching that is theologically informed and articulately delivered.
  2. Worship services that are orderly, celebratory, open to spontaneous moves of the Holy Spirit and allow a full range of emotional responses.
  3. Prophetic utterances and interpreted tongues-speech that is properly discerned and provokes the people of God to repentance and authentic worship.
  4. Spirit-filled and anointed leaders who walk in humility and integrity.
  5. Hearing the people of God pray and groan in the Spirit and a sincere dedication to the prayerful study of God’s word.
  6. A spirituality that affirms the priority of love and encourages the cultivation of spiritual gifts.
  7. A love for the inspired Sacred Scriptures that is demonstrated in serious Biblical and theological scholarship which is formed by prayer and worship.
