The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) political movement is no friend to traditional Christianity. There is little doubt that in order to promote their political movement, the LGBT radicals have no compunction in denying to Christians the rights of free exercise of religion and free speech. I have read many of their articles and listened to their arguments. Their narrative is that because Christians view their sexual preference/activity as immoral, Christianity is a religion of hate.
What would Jesus Say?
If we are to properly understand the biblical text it must be interpreted through the lens of the Incarnation. So, what would Jesus say about same-sex marriage? What would Jesus say to homosexuals?
Loving God Fearfully
Recently, in prayer I again realized that God’s love for me (and you) is far greater than my love can possibly be for God. God loves in perfection. God’s love is a gracious choice towards humanity, not based in need. My love for God is imperfect, based in my weakness and need. Rather than selfless love, my love for God is selfish. I NEED GOD more than I want God. “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10).
A friend recently asked, “How do we fear the same One who loves us unconditionally?” I pondered, “Do I fear God?” I quickly came to the realization that I do indeed fear God; that even after years of devotion and study there remains a mystery, an awesome quality about God that provokes wonder and fear.
Christian Conscience in a Secular Culture
In a blog several conservative Christians were taken to task for supporting Hobby Lobby’s ongoing battle against provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that violate religious conscience, specifically issues dealing with contraception and abortion. Many Christians will be forced to violate their personal and institutional consciences by being coerced to participate in the ACA. The blogger suggested that these conservative Christians are misguided in their efforts, misusing Scripture, and that “it is impossible to avoid enabling sin.” He then offers several examples of how Christians inadvertently enable sinfulness. If it is true that it is impossible to avoid enabling sin, then it must be assumed that Christians should not attempt to exercise conscience or resist evil.
Continue reading “Christian Conscience in a Secular Culture”
What Football Taught Me about the Mission of the Church
Several years ago I was visited by my friend, Nikolay, who is a pastor in Bulgaria. I wanted him to experience life in the American south, which includes Friday night high school football. This was the first time Nikolay had attended an American football game. As the game progressed I noticed that Nikolay seemed to be somewhat unimpressed, even uninterested. I asked, “What do you think of American football?” He replied, “I guess I could enjoy it if I understood what was happening.”
Continue reading “What Football Taught Me about the Mission of the Church”
Pentecostals are Intuitively Sacramental
In Pentecostal Sacraments I have suggested that Pentecostals are intuitively sacramental. In other words, even though most Pentecostals do not have an informed sacramental theology, nonetheless they encounter the presence of God in the various sacramental observances.
Doubt, Faith, and the Grace of God
In my research and writing on Pentecostal sacramentality I have come to appreciate the tension between ex opere operate and ex opere operantis. Please bear with me. The classic Catholic understanding of sacraments is that they convey God’s grace ex opere operate, that is, by virtue of the act. The faith of the recipient is not required. As long as the sacrament is properly administered and grace is not resisted, grace is conveyed. The classic Protestant understanding of sacraments is ex opere operantis, that is, by virtue of the work. Grace is conveyed because of the faith of the recipient and/or the celebrant.