Dogs at the Table

One of the harshest statements to come from Jesus was “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” (Matthew 15:26). When we realize that these words were spoken to a widow in distress they seem to defy the virtues of love and mercy. How can we properly understand these harsh words? What is the significance of this narrative?

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Scientific Discovery & Theological Reflection

Some Christians live in fear and suspicion of science as if scientific discovery and theological truth are natural and mortal enemies. This is especially true of Christians whose intellectual formation is primarily based in the 20th century conflict between modernism and fundamentalism. Most fundamentalists require a literal reading of Genesis 1 that insists on a six day creation and a young earth. Any other interpretation is considered heretical. As I wrote in my previous blog, a literal interpretation of Genesis 1 is not only unnecessary, but it also defies the original context of the creation narrative. To my mind, for Christians to reject scientific discovery is to reduce faith to mere superstition.

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My “Toy Story” Story

As a young man I had three goals in life: to be good husband, to be a good father, and to be a good pastor. Only my wife can judge the first goal. Only God can judge the last. Only my two sons can judge me as a father. The churches we served have no idea of how serving as pastor can stress a marriage and harm children. Planning a vacation? Then someone dies, the pastor is called to preside at the funeral and the family vacation is canceled. Planning a family picnic? Someone invites you to their family reunion and your family time suffers. I’ve often had to remind well-meaning church members that I have a life outside of the church. For the conscientious pastor it takes great wisdom and patience to carefully negotiate the pitfalls. I’m sure I failed from time to time. But one episode in particular demonstrates the tension that exists when one desires to be a good father and a good pastor.

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The Agony of Hermeneutics – Part 2

The Gospel is not defined by our personal narratives. Instead, the Gospel breaks into our personal narratives so that we may be transformed by Jesus Christ.

My previous post was written in reflection of the recent Church of God General Council discussions. Specifically, the discussion regarding the credentialing of ministers with more than one previous marriage. Most of those who spoke in favor of the motion did not bring Scripture to the table, but their personal stories. Many of those stories were heartbreaking and I have great sympathy for them. Some who brought Scripture to the table did so practicing a selective hermeneutic in which their personal narrative informed the text. This is called eisegesis – the process of interpreting a text so that one’s own presuppositions, agendas, or biases shape the biblical text.

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The Agony of Hermeneutics

Writing to the elders of the Ephesian Church the Apostle Paul declared, “I did not cease to admonish each one with tears” (Acts 20:31). Here Paul displays the pathos of the pastor. The pastor is called to faithfully preach and teach the Word of God and exercise profound compassion towards the people of God. The call to be a faithful teacher with a compassionate heart can be agonizing for the pastor and congregation.

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