Recently, the mayor of Houston, Texas – the Honorable Annise Parker – directed her attorneys to subpoena the sermons, messages, speeches, etc. of selected pastors and religious leaders in the Houston area. At issue is a legal challenge to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). Frankly, I don’t object to the straightforward reading of the ordinance. Christians should demonstrate the love and grace of Christ to all humans – saints and sinners – and support basic human rights. I do have major concerns about the legalization of same-sex marriage or the legal redefinition of marriage. As a Christian pastor I will continue to preach and teach the sexual ethics of the New Testament, including the prohibition of pre-marital sex, adultery, and homosexuality.
Water Baptism: A Pentecostal Introduction
AIDS, Ebola, and the Gospel
I remember the 1980’s AIDS scare. People were carrying cans of disinfectant spray in fear of contracting the AIDS virus. When a Florida pastor discovered that one of his families had contracted the disease through a blood transfusion, he announced it to his congregation and to the world. The family became outcast in their church and community. Throughout the world AIDS sufferers were the new lepers – to be avoided at all cost. Even though the medical community tried to educate the public, fear prevailed. Decades later this horrible disease still afflicts, but the apocalyptic pandemic never materialized.
Pentecostal Jazz
Pope Francis has declared that Roman Catholics need to demonstrate joy in their liturgy. When discussing this with a Catholic brother he told me that “most of American Catholicism is shaped by Irish spirituality.” Likewise, most of American Protestantism is shaped by German spirituality. In other words, whether Protestant or Catholic, most of Christian spirituality in the United States is formed by European culture.
The Anointed Touch
Pentecostal Spirituality
We Need Law and Grace
I recently attended a middle school football game. As I walked through the crowd I observed the diversity – black, brown, and white. The football teams reflected the same diversity. I watched as two little girls played together – one white, one black. It was evident that this was their first meeting. They looked each other in the face, touched each others’ hair, and hugged. This is my community.