A few days ago, I posted the first blog about the Mere Anglicanism conference. Ross Douthat, an op-ed columnist at The New York Times, was the second presenter. I wanted to write about Douthat’s presentation separately because I was so moved by his story and presentation.
Encountering the Spirit at Mere Anglicanism
I recently attended the Mere Anglicanism conference in Charleston, South Carolina. Why would a Pentecostal attend an “Anglican” conference? At first, I registered to attend because of the speakers – all world class Christians seriously engaged in the mission of God. Also, the theme was intriguing – “Salt and Light: The Christian Response to Secularism.”
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Symbols are Important
Several years ago I wrote the following editorial in favor of changing the Georgia flag.* This letter generated a great deal of hostile response. I offer it in token of an ongoing struggle for justice.
A few years ago I attended an assembly at the elementary school where my children were attending. At the opening of the assembly everyone stood, placed their right hand over their heart and recited the pledge to the American flag. Then, without missing a beat, I watched and listened as the students pledged their allegiance to the Georgia flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Georgia flag and to the principles for which it stands – wisdom, justice, and moderation.” I watched as scores of young black children saluted and pledged their allegiance to a flag which bares the symbol of their ancestor’s oppression, a flag which is supposed to stand for justice.
Reflections on the Believers Baptism Consulation
Recently, I was honored to participate in the Believers Baptism Consultation in Kingston, Jamaica (press release and final report). This event was attended by leaders and scholars representing a variety of Christian theological traditions and a representative of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. My presentation was entitled “Believers Baptism in the Pentecostal Tradition.”
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Growling Bears, Moaning Doves, & the Prince of Peace
All of us growl like bears, and moan sadly like doves. We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us” (Isaiah 59:11).
Peace is the fruit of righteousness and justice. When strife erupts into protests and demonstrations the cry for justice is lost among the cacophony of voices competing to be heard, competing for power. When power is the goal of protests, justice will be forfeited because unrestricted power by its very nature suppresses the weak. The ancient prophets of Yahweh lamented the corruption, oppression, and sinfulness of the people of God. The “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6) had degenerated into “growling bears and moaning doves.” The “growling bears” are locked in combat over territorial rights. The moaning doves lament the absence of peace.
Continue reading “Growling Bears, Moaning Doves, & the Prince of Peace”
Pentecostal Worship & the Christian Calendar
Moving from Racial Distrust to Reconciliation
Racism is woven into the constitutional fabric of the United States of America. The original text of the US Constitution defined slaves of African descent as 3/5 human. Even though that injustice has been corrected – at the expense of much blood and treasure – vestiges of the original constitution remain as a stain on the fabric of American society.
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